
An easy-to-use desktop application to manage OSGi frameworks remotely

OSGi.fx is an easy-to-use application to remotely manage OSGi frameworks. Similar to Felix web console, this is an endeavour for desktop application users to provide all the necessary functionalities to remotely manage OSGi runtimes.

Application Screenshots

Implemented Features

List all installed bundles and fragments done
List all exported and imported packages done
List all registered services done
List all registered DS components done
List all available system and framework properties done
List all daemon and non-daemon threads done
Send synchronous or asynchronous events on demand done
Receive events on demand (option to start and stop receiving events) done
Receive logs on demand (option to start and stop receiving logs) done
Manage R7 Logger Configurations done
Execute Gogo command done
Execute CLI command done
Auto-completion of all available remote Gogo commands during command execution done
Install or update bundles done
Drag and drop support of bundles (on Install Bundle Dialog) while installing or updating done
List available configurations from ConfigurationAdmin done
List Metatype property descriptors done
Start/stop/uninstall bundle or fragment done
Enable/disable DS component done
Update/delete existing configuration done
Create new configuration using metatype descriptor done
Overview of the remote OSGi framework (memory consumption, uptime, framework information, number of bundles, number of threads, number of services and number of DS components) done
Generate dependency graph for bundles done
Generate dependency graph for DS components done
Find all cycles between available DS components done
Export generated dependency graph to DOT (GraphViz) format (Right click on generated graph) done
Open Diagnostics (Show application log file) done
Show suspicious classloader leaks done
Show HTTP runtime components (Servlets, Listeners, Filters, Resources and Error Pages) done
Shows heap usage over time and the count of garbage collections done
Install extension (plugin) done
List and uninstall already installed feature(s) done
Generate OBR XML done
Device Management Tree (DMT) Traversal and Update done
Manage User Admin Roles done
Execute Felix Healthchecks done
Capture/Read Snapshot done
Display OSGi Runtime DTOs done
Advanced Search done

Tools and Technologies

Java (Application) 21
Java (Agent) 1.8
Rich Client Platform JavaFX 21
Runtime Frameworks OSGi R8 (Equinox), Eclipse 4 (e4), e(fx)clipse
UI Libraries ControlsFX, TilesFX, FormsFX
Tools Bndtools 6.4.0

Important Notes for Download and Update

Minimum Requirements for Runtime Agent

  1. Java 1.8
  2. OSGi R6
  3. Install com.osgifx.console.agent.jar from maven central

Set osgi.fx.agent.socket.port system property in the runtime. Note that, you can either set the property to any port e.g. 2000 or The latter one will allow remote connections whereas the former one will only allow connections from localhost.

Note that, if you want to secure sockets, you additionally need to set osgi.fx.agent.socket.secure property to true and set osgi.fx.agent.socket.secure.sslcontext.filter property to any value you like (this is not an LDAP filter but will be used in a LDAP filter), for example: osgi.fx.agent.socket.secure.sslcontext.filter=my_sslcontext. For secure communication, you also need to generate your truststore as well which you need to configure in the OSGi.fx application as well.


To use MQTT, you have to install the in.bytehue.messaging.mqtt5.provider.jar from OSGi Messaging. This project implements the draft OSGi messaging specification. Note that, you have to configure the in.bytehue.messaging.client PID in configuration admin for this library to work. You can find the relevant configurations in the project’s README. Also note that, you have to specify maximumPacketSize and sendMaximumPacketSize to 268435456 in the configuration. It denotes that the client will be able to send and receive packets of 256 MB in size. Note that, you have to download this JAR from Github Packages.

Additionally, you also have to set osgi.fx.agent.mqtt.pubtopic property where the agent will send the responses to and set the osgi.fx.agent.mqtt.subtopic property where the agent will receive the requests from.

Note that, in several scenarios, people tend to use OAuth tokens to be retrieved from authorization server and use the token as the password for the MQTT connection. To support this, you can also configure the token configuration in the OSGi.fx application and leave the Password field empty. Note that, the token configuration must be provided as a valid JSON in the following format:

	"authServerURL": "",
	"clientId": "",
	"clientSecret": "",
	"audience": "",
	"scope": ""

You can also ignore the clientId in which scenario, the application will use the configured MQTT client ID as the client ID for retrieving the token. Once the OAuth POST request is sent to the authorization server, the server should respond with a JSON having the following format:

	"access_token": "",
	"expires_in": 100 (only integer value is supported here)

Once this is configured, the OSGi.fx application will automatically retrieve the token for every session and authenticate with the broker.

Batch Install

You can also install multiple bundles and create multiple configurations in one go. For that, you have to select the directory after clicking on Batch Install from the Actions menu. Note that, you should keep all bundles and configuration JSON files in the selected directory. The Batch Install will list only the JARs and JSON files from the directory. You can then choose from the list which JARs to install and which configurations to create.

Note that, the configuration JSON files need to comply with OSGi Configurator Specification

Extension Development

External plugins or extensions can easily be developed for OSGi.fx. Please have a look at how the bundles with com.osgifx.console.ui.* project name pattern are developed. As a starting point, please have a look at the sample Tic-Tac-Toe. Since OSGi.fx has itself been developed using OSGi and Eclipse e4, you can easily leverage their modular capabilities to build your own extensions.

Once the extension is developed, you can test it by installing it from the Help -> Install Extension menu option.

Note that, to develop an extension, you need to provide OSGi Deployment Package archive. Have a look at OSGi Deployment Admin Specification on how to prepare such deployment packages.

For ease of development, you can use the OSGi.fx workspace to further develop your own extensions as the workspace comprises a new bnd plugin which will enable you to automatically generate a deployment package from a bndrun file. As an example, please refer to the sample Tic-Tac-Toe extension.

Project Import for Development

  1. Install Java 17 JDK Distribution (including JavaFX modules) in your machine (Currently I am using Zulu Distribution that includes JavaFX modules already)
  2. Set the newly installed JDK 17 to your JAVA_HOME
  3. Install Eclipse IDE for RCP/RAP Developers and make sure your Eclipse installation uses the currently installed JDK to start with
  4. Install Bndtools and e(fx)clipse from Eclipse Marketplace
  5. Go to Java -> Compiler in Eclipse Preferences and set Compiler Compliance Level to 17
  6. Go to Java -> Installed JREs and select the newly installed JDK with JavaFX modules
  7. Go to Java -> Installed JREs -> Execution Environments and select JavaSE-17 and choose the recently installed Java 17 JRE that includes JavaFX modules
  8. Import all the projects (File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace and select Search for nested projects)

Building from Source

Run ./gradlew clean build in the project root directory


Amit Kumar Mondal (admin@amitinside.com)


contributions welcome

